The Journey Begins!

According to my mom I was born with so much hair the dr. had to brush it away from my face to check my eyes and nose. All my life I was thick haired and tender headed.

My mom permed my hair at age six to save her ears from my screaming and her arms from the grueling task of clearing it out. Perms resulted in chemical burns on my scalp. In 2018 having had enough, I did the big chop.

Ok, I'm natural now what? I needed something to keep my hair healthy and happy. Soon the cabinet was full with every brand under the sun and my bank account was not pleased. 

At work one day, a friend of mine also natural told me to make the creams myself. That was the end of it. I YouTubed my eyeballs off and began experimenting. My hair was happy, my budget balanced, and my counter top clean. The problem now was, that my experiments had a short shelf life. This concerned me as some of my friends also took interest in my creations for their own use. It wasn't long after that I received a prophetic word and that was all I needed.  I enrolled in a school for organic and natural formulation. The cost was high but I stepped out in faith. After all, faith without works is dead right. 

My grandfather loved gardening. My love for growing things came from his tutelage.

 I incorporated this love into my products, growing a lot of my botanical ingredients right here in Bermuda.

The school broadened my scope to not just hair health but skin as well. Flowers & herbal extracts are nature's skin food, rich in antioxidants and vitamins. At Bermuda Roots, we take natural botanicals and plant based ingredients combining them in perfect symmetry. The Result?

Opulent products to nourish your hair, face, and body.